Prevention of HIV/STD/AIDS in Chittagong
City Corporation


The existence of HIV/AIDS/STD poses a serious challenge to human kind. To date, there is neither a vaccine nor a cure for AIDS. It is now well known that the presence of STDs predisposes the individual to HIV infection. Unfortunately, many STD cases go undiagnosed and untreated.

HIV/AIDS is a human development problem fueled by poverty, the inequality of certain sectors of society, and the presence of other STDs. As a result, the socio-cultural, economic as well as health determinants of the transmission of HIV/AIDS/STD must be addressed. In formulating a national policy for HIV/AIDS and STD related issued, the need arises to incorporate the above as policy concerns as part of an action strategy for future programmes.

HIV/AIDS is an extra-ordinary kind of crisis, which is both emergency and long-term development issue for the communities across the world. AIDS epidemic continue to outpace the global response. No region of the world has been spared from the mild to vivid attack of the epidemic. It remains extremely dynamic, growing and changing character as the virus exploits new opportunities for transmission. More than 20 years and 20 million deaths since the first HIV/AIDS diagnosis in 1981, globally an estimated 39.4 million people are living with HIV/AIDS in 2004 alone, 3.1 million people died another 4.9 million people were newly infected with HIV/AIDS . Each day there 14000 new infections, more than 40 % of which are young people. Only 7% of the people in low and middle-income country had limited access to treatment.

The scenario of Bangladesh ahs been alarming as one of the high-risk countries with approximately 13000 HIV positive carrier. With the given socio-economic and religious fabrics of the 140 million of population it is in further threshold of sporadic spread of HIV/AIDS epidemic as definition of safer sex is not clear to more than majority of the sexuality active population. The geo-physical location of the country has made to country further vulnerable to HIV/AIDS epidemic attack, as it has almost unprotected boundary with all of the neighboring country. All of the Indian state like, Tripura, Manipur, West Bengal and Asam and Myanmar in the south are very prone to the AIDS epidemics with almost 50% of the Sex workers found to be HIV positive. Thousands of the people are crossing the borders everyday for trade, commerce, treatment and tourism etc which added new dimension in the spreading trend.

BISAP has been implementing project on “Prevention of HIV/STD/AIDS in Chittagong” from July

2008 by financial assistance of Embassy of Ireland. Urban slums, Garments workers Through

this project the targeted peoples would be equipped with necessary knowledge and skill to

prevent themselves from the risk of


Over All Objective:

At the end of the project, the multi-sectoral approach for prevention HIV and STIs introduced in Chittagong City.

Operational Area

Chittagong City Corporation area

Ward 8 No Sulakbahar

  • No North Pahartali
  • No Saraipara
  • No Pahartali
  • No West Bakalia &
  • No South Patenga

Specific Objectives :

  1. To improve active cooperation and coordination among the relevant sectors in Chittagong City.
  2. To reduce the stigma and discrimination against the vulnerable groups, people live with HIV in the community and health care setting.
  3. To develop the capacity of the Health Care Professionals (HCPs)
  4. To establish city wide referral network for HIV/AIDS and STI services

Objective :1

To improve active cooperation and coordination among the different stakeholders in Chittagong City Corporation


Selection of potential stakeholders

1.2 Sensitization / Mobilization of stakeholders

1.3 Planning workshops

1.4 Formation of Project Implementation Committee

1.5 Regular HIV/AIDS coordination committee meetings/workshops/dissemination seminars to modify/improve the working strategy

1.6 Develop, approve and enforce, of city-specific multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS response strategy.

Objective : 2

To reduce the stigma and discrimination against the vulnerable groups, people live with HIV in the community and health care setting.


2.1.1 Organize awareness raising campaign in the communities and in the garment industries

2.1.2 Develop a drama script for awareness raising among the general people

2.1.3 Develop a drama team perform the shows

2.1.4 Organize 200 shows in the community

2.2 Organize interactive peer education sessions on STI and HIV for the youths

2.2.1 Develop an Interactive Peer Education Module according to the cultural context of organize the shows.

2.3 Organize TOT for developing Core moderators

2.3.1 Conduct piloting of the peer education module

2.3.2 Mobilizing the stakeholders (authorities of educational institutions) to cooperate to organize the shows

2.3.3 Develop and distribute IEC materials among the student

Objective : 3

To develop the capacity of the Health Care Professionals (HCPs)


3.1 Develop training Module

3.2 Develop training Resource Pool

3.3 Organize training on Basic of HIV and AIDS and related issues

3.4 Organize training on STI Management

Objective : 4

To establish city wide referral network for HIV/AIDS and STI


4.1 Develop a referral Directory and referral tools

4.2 Organize Training on Referral Services.

Video Show Session

The Video show presentation is very effective in terms of motivating or mobilising a large number of people at the same time. Therefore with the developed video show presentation the project organised presentation sessions at the residential settings where large number of people resided and after the presentation of the video show a LSE discussion session was conducted. This has created mass awareness on prevention of HIV/AIDS for general people.

LSE Session

To get that kinds of learning & education to safe oneself for whole life, basically for garments worker. As they are uneducated and a little bit education they have got. So, as by PEER educators hearing they will be able to motivate themselves precisely by LSE training. LSE includes raising awareness about HIV/AIDS and practical training to life skills. Information about HIV/AIDS is useful to garments worker basically young people. However, information alone is not enough to overcome the risk of HIV infection. Young people need to gain certain skills as well. These are called life skills. Training in life skills usually involves participatory ways of learning, such as using games. The aim of such training is to modify behaviour, not just to give knowledge. Areas covered in life skills training include negotiation skills, assertiveness, coping with peer pressure, compassion, self-esteem, tolerance and social norms. Practical skills may also be included, such as sewing clothes, thatching huts, personal hygiene and household agriculture.

Discussion Session with School Teacher

This is one of the important component of the project was to aware and sensitization student and school Teachers on importance of HIV/STI/AIDS. BISAP organized orientation Training among six Schools among student and teachers of its operational area which creates awareness among the institution.

Formation of Project Implementation Committee – (PIC) With ensuring multi –sectoral participation BISAP has

formed a Project Implementation Committee (PIC) with the participation of different level stakeholders chaired by Mr. MK Pasha which is consist with eleven members with the representatives of the health, education, business sectors, government and non-governmental organizations. After formation of the Project Implementation Committee (PIC) BISAP has organized four meeting with the Committee Member at BISAP Hall room. The PIC Member actively attended in several HIV/SIT/AIDS awareness program of stakeholders.

Workshop for Developing City specific Strategy:

BISAP organized and conduct a workshop on Developing City Specific Strategy. There are 29 participants of different level stakeholders (NGO representative as Health care providers, Educationist etc. The said workshop was attended among others by the local authority, Transport Union leaders, School Teachers, Paramedics, Nurses and others, of Chittagong City area actively participated in the workshop. Among the participants of the workshop 26 were male and 3 were female

Training to Doctor

BISAP organised Training among Doctors and Nurses on prevention of HIV/AIDS so that they can aware and educate people particularly on the issue.

Training to Rickshaw puller

A great number of people prefer this transport which operates without any fuel. Rickshaw is a main Transport, which generally used in every part of the country with very low fare due to acute poverty imbalances a large number of people, engaged in this profession. BISAP arranged training & awareness building on HIV/AIDS among the groups

Training to Auto mobile Driver

The capacity of Automobile Drivers needs to be enhanced to get the optimum result from training while they will be on transit or movement and dealing with the passenger. They are very much close to community who hire and ride on their transport. Therefore, they are being trained and motivated on prevention of HIV/AIDS which will create effective impact on project

Court Yard Session

Courtyard session organized to aware and motivate the community people and other stakeholders for strengthening their knowledge and skill through group discussion, group work and role play through demonstration of flipchart, and other educational material for multisectoral approach on HIV/AIDS will focus on primary prevention of HIV and risk reduction in the community

Drama Shows:

This is one of the important component of the programme for awaring general people on importance of HIV/STI/AIDS. The Drama show was performed at different areas and locations of Chittgagong City Corporation. Almost 20860 men, women and children were enjoyed the Drama show and became aware on prevention of HIV/STI/AIDS.

Training for Referral Services:

BISAP organized and conducted day long training/orientation on Referral Service. There are 36 (male 32 and female 4) Nurses, Paramedic and Pharmacist was actively participated from different of Chittagong City Corporation area.