Disability in Development Programme

In our Society disable male and female are being neglected all over the country arrangement of seminar/workshop forecast meeting on disability has played a grate role in changing the outlook of the community people about disable person. By the agreement of mass theatre, culture function, debate are followed to change the same outlook. By implementation the project activities systematically by involving beneficiaries project staff literate persons.

 Social workers, elite of the project area,  teachers of different educational institution, and guardians of disable have capable of developing of mass consciousness as of the project area by which the disable have capable of establishing due right in the Society BISAP is trying to change the outlook of people that disables are not burden and curse through arranging the various type of meeting seminar, workshop. BISAP has undertaken various programme for disable people. BISAP assist to sending the disable person to orientation mobilization Day Observation training on gesture language. Essay writing and drawing with field level primary school children to motivate other children of the community to receive retarded people as own friend.Adolescent sexual, reproductive health and rights project shall focus on the goal of sexuality education and parent-child communication to enable young people develop the knowledge, autonomy and skills such as communication, decision-making and negotiation to make the transition to adult-hood in good sexual health. The project includes information about sexual reproductive health, which includes puberty, pregnancy, STIs, and HIV/AIDS education. But it shall also address the relationships and emotions involved in sexual experience through peer education.